Control Systems from Stock


Control Systems of Leading Manufacturers: Shipped directly from Germany.

Control Technology for different industries from our stock in Germany

Control technology is essential in automation. It helps manage how machines work by using input values to control outputs, often with an actuator in between. Unlike feedback control, where outputs are sent back to the input, control technology does not return the output value to the input.

In our shop, we offer a variety of control technology products. These typically handle switching signals digitally or binarily, while values like pressure and temperature are sent via analog signals. Digital protocols are becoming more popular because they are less likely to be disrupted by interference.

Applications of Control Technology

Control technology is used in many automation applications, such as: Machine Control in industrial and manufacturing processes, Time-Programmed Controls like traffic lights, Building Management Systems Controllers for things like blinds and lighting.

Today, most technical processes in industry and homes need control technology because of the growing complexity of these applications. They require advanced and customized technological solutions. Visit our shop to find the control technology products that meet your needs.

Available control systems products in our shop

Product Name Manufacturer EAN